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时间:2016-06-13  作者:魏波

Wang: You mean, take the del credere risk?

   Li: I see you’ve been readingup on the subject! Don’t forget, too, that in most cases an agent doesn’t haveto use his own finance, unless he’s a stockist, which we aren’t

Wang: What are the main clauses in acontract?

   Li: You’ll be seeing plenty ofthem before you’re through! Still, I’ll give you a run down. The obvious thingsyou have to state are a description of the goods, the quantity and unit price.Look at this contract, it’s for 200 tons of copper wirebars at 12000 yuan perton C.I.F.Shanghai.

Wang: Does that mean that the consignmentis delivered with all charges up to arrive at the port of destination paid bythe seller?

   Li: That’s it,小学教育论文 more or less. Thereare lots of these abbreviations and standard terms. In the home trade deliverymight be exworks, or loco, or maybe F.O.R. or franco. But in the import-export businessthe commonest terms are C.I.F., C.A.F., which leaves out the insurance, andF.O.B.

Wang: Which means that the seller pays forthe goods to be loaded on board the transporting vessel, but doesn’t payfreight or insurance?

   Li: Very good! There’s alsoF.A.S., which we have to calculate the freight and insurance and allow for themin our selling price. But you’ll have to excuse me now, Wang, I’ve got to go…(p128-9)


当然,因为商务英语口语语篇只是口头语篇的一种而已,所以它必然与一般语篇有共同的衔接方式。如连接语:In fact, but, of course, when, unless, Still, and等。照应如:that, it等。省略和替代如:true, That’s it, moreor less, very good,do等。

   上文中,商务英语的专业性以词汇层衔接方式体现出来,如exworks(出厂价格), loco(当地),franco(免费的),trade, consignment(托运),speculative (投机的), principals(委托人), indent(订货单), commission(佣金), payment, F.O.B(船上交货价格), C.I.F(到岸价格), F.O.R(火车上交货), C.A.F(成本加运费价格), F.A.S(船边交货价格) stockist(大量采购特定商品的人), buying agent(采购代理), make a sale of, international market, taking a position(购进期货), going short(卖空), going long(卖期货), keep a small book, at aprofit, metal futures(金属期货), make out a contract ,take the del credere risk(接受货价保付风险), unit price, sellingprice, import-export business这些词语或者习惯表达法同是行业术语,在意义上都有相同点,因而也可以算成是一种词汇的共现和搭配。

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