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时间:2016-06-13  作者:魏波



(Wang,is an export businessman, learns how to trade in the international market.)

Wang: Have you, er, just made a sale ofHuangshan choice tea?

   Li: That’s right. In fact, itwas a consignment. I’d bought long in anticipation of some foreign order.

Wang: Is that what’s called “taking aposition”? buying a parcel but not selling it immediately, because you hope theprice will go up?

   Li: Yes, that’s buying, orgoing long. Taking a position can also mean the opposite—selling the parcel for forwarddelivery but waiting for the price to go down before you actually buy. That’scalled going short.

Wang: Is that the way we usually trade intea?

   Li: No, I only keep a smallbook. Most of our business in tea isn’t speculative. I get a firm order, and onlyaccept it if I can get a firm buyer, at a profit, of course. But we do a biggerin metal futures on the Shanghai Metal Exchange.

Wang: Do you always make out a contract forevery deal?

   Li: We do when we’re acting asprincipals. When we’re acting as buying agents we simply place indents on thesuppliers, and when we’re selling agents we accept indents from buyers.

Wang: And claim a commission from theprinciples for whom we’re acting? I don’t suppose it’s as much as the profit wemake when we act as principals ourselves, though?

   Li: True, but there isn’t asmuch risk in being an agent, unless we guarantee payment to our principals.

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