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时间:2015-10-24  作者:佚名


1. 利用周围环境

教 This is …和 That is …句型时,可以利用实景,像对贵宾介绍环境一样边说边做。

This is our classroom.That is a library.

This is Lin Tao,.That ’s Li u Hong

2. 利用图画

教 There be 句型时,可以挂上一幅图,激发学生去描述图画内容的动机,教师指着图中的内容进行介绍。例如:

This is a picture。.In the picture there are many things.

There is a car in the picture.

There is a man in the car.

There is a lake in the picture.

There is a boat in the lake.

3. 利用动作

教现在进行时 ,教师可以边做动作边用英语描述,要求学生同时做动作,教师根据动作说英语。例如:

Li Hong ,stand up.

Now ,Li Hong is standing up.

Li Hong ,go to the window.

Look ,Li Hong is going to the window.

Li Hong ,clean the window.

Look ,Li Hong is cleaning the window now.

4. 利用表情

教 Where is 结构时,教师可以先放一些实物在某些处所,做出寻找的样子,同时询问。例如:

Where is my key?

Where is my pencil?

Where is my eraser?

5. 利用对比

如果主语是第三人称单数,行为动词加 S 的句型,教师可以通过两个句子对比,引导学生认识新句型的特点。例如:

I study hard.。He studies hard ,too.

I like English.。She likes English ,too.

I go home at six.。My brother goes home at six ,too.

I go to bed at nine.。My mother goes to bed at eleven.

6. 利用语境


He often comes to school early , but yesterday he came late.

Today we have enough to eat and wear , but before liberation my father had little to eat and wear.

7. 利用语调教师教一般疑问句,可以通过语调变化引起学生对新句型的 注意和理解。例如:




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