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时间:2016-03-19  作者:魏 波


3.2 关联理论与清楚准确、直言不讳、实事求是,以事论事的会话的关系。


Many students in adult education colleges felt frustrated when they thought that even the students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education cannot find a job.

One day a student came to ask the advice of their teacher: “Many students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education cannot find a job, how can we get a job after graduation and is it a waste of time to study here any longer.”

“Yes, it is usually more difficult for you to find a good job. But some students in the regular colleges and universities are just idling away their time when they get the admission to a higher education school, they seldom study as seriously as before. How can they make progress? Some of them are certainly no good students as you. And employers will not just pay attention to diplomas; instead they will pay more attention to practical abilities. Many postgraduates including candidates for masterate and candidates for doctorate never came in any kinds of universities or colleges as a regular student, but they got their diplomas of higher education and the qualification as a regular full-time postgraduates through other ways, and finally acquired their master’s or doctor’s degree. Besides, you will not go back to your former middle schools and try to pass the entrance examinations for colleges again because I guess most of you don’t have the courage, and I think it is not quite necessary, too…” The teacher told them patiently and objectively.

Then the student turned away calmly and satisfied.

Some teachers may answer them like this: “who said you cannot find a job. The employment rate of our students is one hundred percent, and I am sure you can all find jobs after graduation. Don’t worry about it. Don’t fike about your self.…”

The students won’t trust this kind of teachers because they will be suspicious about what the teachers say. They are not idiots, cannot be as easily cheated as children.



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