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时间:2014-06-06  作者:汤浩茹,鲁敏,余世杰,雷美艳,陈小杨,丁继军

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2 Xie Li-juan, Han Lei, Qian Yong-Qiang, LI Xiao-dong, LI Yong-hong. Optimization of the Concentration of 6-BA and NAA in the RapidPropagation of Russelia equisettformis[J]. Acta Agriculturae Nucleatae Sinica, 2005, 19(3):181-185
3 LIU Cai-Xia, SUN Zhen-yuan, LIU Jun, LI Yin-feng. Application of Quadraratic Regressive Orthogonal Designto Optimize Regeneration System of Dianthus caryophyllus L. [J]. Acta Agriculturae Nucleatae Sinica, 2008, 22(1):45-48
4 Rong Ting-zao, Li Wan-chen. Field experiments and statistical analysis[M]. SiChuan: Sichuan University Press. 2001: 208-228
5 Sun Qing-rong, Shi Yin-ping, Sun Hong-yan. Induction of Shoot Regeneration from Cotyledons of Matured Embryos in Pear(Pyrus sp.) [J]. Journal of ricuhum1 Universltv of HeBei, 1999, 22(2):50-52
6 Li Xiu-mei, Tang Hao-ru, Luo Ya. Adventitious Shoot Regeneration from the Cotyledons of Matured EmBryos in Pear cv.Jinhua[J]. Journal of Fruit Science, 2004, 21(4):295-297
7 HE Xiao-lan, Wu Jing-yin, Zhu Wei-min, Xve Qi-han. Efects of 6BA and AgNO on Adventitious Shoot Regeneration from the EXplants of Cotyledon with Petiole of Rapeseed(Brassica napus L.)[J]. Jiangsu J. of Agr. Sci. , 2001, 17(4):211-214
8 Tang Gui-Xiang, Zhou Wei-jun. The Impact of AgNO on plant regeneration from cotyledon eXplants of Petiole of Rapeseed(Brassica napus L.)[J].Chinese journal of oil crop sciences, 2001, 23(3):9-11
9 CAO Li-Xian, ZHAO Li, TANG Yu-li. ZHU Cheng. Stimulation efect of silver nitrate on shoot regeneration in cotyledon tissue culture of cucumBer[J].JOURNAL OF GANSU AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, 2001, 36(2):168-171
10 LI Jing , LI Huan Xiu ,LI Min. The System of In Vitro Culture and Shoot Regeneration from Cotyledon of Balsam Pear of ‘Cuifei’ [J]. Northern Horticulture,2007, (10):181-183
11 YAO Ming-hua, WANG Fei, LU Xiu-ying. Cotyledon Culture of Pepper in vitroand High Efficient System EstaBlishment of Plant Regeneration[J]. Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University, 2007, 26(6):850-853
12 XU Ya-nan, SHE Jian-ming, ZHANG Bao-long, SHEN Xin-lian, NI Wan-chao. In Vitro Adventitious Bud Induced from Cotyledon and Plant Regeneration of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)[J]. Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2008, 24(5):595-599

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