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时间:2011-04-22  作者:秩名
Opponents, on the other hand, insist that the prevalence oftelevision has given rise to many social problems to some extent. Firstly,nowadays the programs of television are so alluring that people overindluge inwatching TV and lack the adequate emotional exchanges with their family membersand friends. Secondly, some programs contain inappropriate materials such aspronography and violence, which will endanger youngsters’ healthpsychologically and physically. Children are not mature enuogh that they cannotdistinguish right from wrong and easily go astray. Thirdly, overindulgence inwatching TV may be hazardous to people’s health and lead to a host of healthconditions, for example, obesity and myopia, etc.

In conclusion, if I am asked to make a choice I would nothesitate to side with the former one. Television is an important advancement ofscience and technology despite the fact that it has some downsides and we mustaccept it as a necessity.


Computer – A Blessing or A Curse?

The discussion about whether or not computer is beneficial to humans is a very controversial one.There are people on both sides of the argument who have very strong feelings.According to a survey conducted lately by the National Media office,55 percentof the people are in favor of the advent of new technology; others, however,claim that computer has brought some negativeeffects on people’s life. Before rendering my position, I think it is essentialto explore both sides of the hot-button issue.

Advocates of computer contend that computer not only provides people a vivid worldbut also keeps us well-informed of the information worldwide in all fields. Itis deemed as one of the most convenient, economical and efficient means ofcommunications. In addition, surfing the Internet is a very economicalway of entertainment, which offers us all sorts of entertaining programs, forinstance, soap operas, thrillers, concerts, cartoons and the like. For needyfamilies surfing the Internet is the wise choice for them torelax. Furthermore, it is an excellent place to study English and experiencediverse cultures.

Opponents, on the other hand, insist that the prevalence of computershas given rise to many social problems to some extent. Firstly, nowadays the contentsof the Internet are so alluring that people overindluge in surfingthe Internet and lack the adequate emotional exchanges with their familymembers and friends. Secondly, some programs contain inappropriate materialssuch as pronography and violence, which will endanger youngsters’ healthpsychologically and physically. Children are not mature enuogh that they cannotdistinguish right from wrong and easily go astray. Thirdly, overindulgence in surfingthe Internet may be hazardous to people’s health and lead to a host ofhealth conditions, for example, obesity and myopia, etc.

In conclusion, if I am asked to make a choice I would nothesitate to side with the former one. Computer is an important advancement ofscience and technology despite the fact that it has some downsides and we mustaccept it as a necessity.

从上述例子我们可以看到一篇343个字的作文,我们只需改动其中不足20个单词就可以成为我们的优秀习作。科技论文,作文。这使得写作不再是个headache,而成为a piece ofcake.


[1]Quirk, R. ,Greenbaum, S. ,Leech, G. , & j. Svartvik. A Comp rehensive Grammar of theEnglish Language [M ]. London: Longman, 1985.

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