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时间:2012-04-29  作者:周同,袁淑娟,曹义明,谢慧,常芬芬,曹世勋

4 结 论

使用固相烧结法制备了Bi1-xGdxFeO3(x=0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2)陶瓷样品;通过XRD图谱发现,掺杂体系在x=0.15附近经历了由三角钙钛矿结构向正交钙钛矿结构的转变;此结构转变在Raman图谱中亦有所反映;通过磁性能测试,发现掺杂大大提高了Bi1-xGdxFeO3陶瓷的铁磁性,这是由于Gd的掺杂在一定程度上破坏了BiFeO3陶瓷特有的自旋螺旋反铁磁结构所致。

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Structural and magneticproperties in multiferroic ceramics Bi1-xGdxFeO3 (x=0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2)

Zhou Tong, Shujuan Yuan,Yiming Cao, Hui Xie, Fenfen Chang, Shixun Cao

Physics Department of Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444

Single-phaseBi1-xGdxFeO3 multiferroic ceramics have beensynthesized by the solid state reaction method to study the influence of Gd substitutionon their crystal structure and magnetic behavior. X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering spectra analysis showed that the structure of Gd dopedBiFeO3 was transformed from rhombohedral lattice to orthorhombic by increasingx. Doping with Gd also enhances the ferromagneticmoment, due to the broken cycloid spin structure caused by the distortion in thecrystalline structure.

Key words: BiFeO3,Multiferroics,Doping

PACC: 7590,7870C,8120L


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